Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011 new year's resolutionS

I mentioned about one of my new year's resolutions in my previous post. I'm sure you guys have your own resolutions this year. These are some of mine. I may add or just dump some of these resolutions as time goes by though...heehee ^_~

1. More skincare products, less cover-up products.
If you know me personally, you would know what i mean. My skin is not getting any better or younger as my age increases (try so hard to avoid the word 'old'), so I need to start taking care of it. I don't wanna look like a saggy old people when I reach my 30s.

2. Taking care more of my body.
Kinda the same as the first one, just don't wanna look like crap when I get older. I really don't want to end up like those typical guys, where as they get older, so does their one pack! Yuks!!! 
So I'll be watching what I eat and don't eat. And more exercise of course >_<

3. Go to KL more?
I'm kinda blur on this one. I decide I'd be going to KL more frequently this year, don't really know for what reason really, and somehow I turned it into one of my new year's resolution. LOL. This might just be one of the resolution that I'd dump later though.

4. Save more money.
Everybody I know have savings. DAMN! I haven't even started yet. I read somewhere that you should save 10% of your salary to your saving account, for short or mid-term purposes, and 10% more for investment. So I am definitely doing that. Though I have to cut my budget on some stuff I think...huhu =(

5. Taking more care of my Neo.
I haven't actually been paying much attention to my car and it's been pretty damaged over the years. I've had it for almost 2 years and a half now. It got scratches everywhere, bumps here and there and some of it's pain is fall off already. None of these are my fault. Except for one or two scratches. Which I accidentally got from bumping into a motorcycle and the back of someone's car. LALALALA.

6. Finish my Master!
This one is the most important I think. Officially, I have 2 more semester to finish my Master and that should be by the end of this year. So! More work, less fun???
Don't think so. Can't really live like that now can I. ^^. 
Dunno what I'll do, but just plan my work carefully I guess.

So far, this is all that I can think of. I'll add some later when I figure out some new resolutions for myself. 

xo xo

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